I have been reading athiesm books for several months. I feel like I am having trouble believing anymore, but?
don’t want to give up on my faith until I am sure. I have only been to church once in over a year. No one konws this . it is driving my crazy. what should I do?
Suggestion by Buddy
If you really want to be an atheist the best thing to read is religious scripture.
Suggestion by Flooty
I would talk to someone who has some intelligence and is a Christian. I read CS Lewis and Mere Christianity. You can do as you wish but atheism is a dead end.
Suggestion by Hateless
God wants all His children to follow him. I suggest you stop reading Atheism books and pick up your Bible
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Is there any way to improve my eyesight?
Im 14 and have Myopia (Short Sightedness). When I look across the room, without my glasses on, things are blurred.
Are there any ways I can improve my eyesight? Food, habits, hobbies….?
Suggestion by
– Eat more carrots,
– make sure you have the correct prescription in your lenses,
– do eye exercises.
Exercises that improve eyesight
‘Palming.’ To rest and relax your eyes, sit comfortably in front of a table, resting your elbows on a stack of cushions high enough to bring your palms easily to your eyes without stooping forward or looking up. Close your eyes and cover them with your cupped palms to exclude light, avoiding pressure on the sockets. Breathe slowly and evenly, relaxing and imagining deep blackness. Begin by doing this for 10 minutes, two or three times a day.
‘Swinging.’ Relax and keep the eyes mobile. Stand up and focus on a distant point, swaying gently from side to side. Repeat 100 times daily, blinking as you sway. Blinking cleans and lubricates the eyes, which is especially important if you spend a lot of time in front of a computer.
‘Colour day.’ You may be asked to have a ‘colour day.’ Choose a colour and look out for it throughout the day. When you see it, be aware of the colour rather than the form. For example, if it’s a red truck, experience the shade of red, not the truck.
‘Sunning’ Try to do this once a day. It requires a sunny day, or a good desk lamp with an incandescent bulb. The exercise is simple. Close your eyes. Look directly at the sun through
your closed eyes. While facing the sun, slowly rotate your head from side to side as far as you can.
This gets the sunlight on the peripheral vision, and it helps bring more blood circulation to your neck. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes. It’s amazing, even on a cold day, how warm the sun feels on your eyes.
Also look at this website:
Suggestion by Glenna
Corrective lenses or lasik eye surgery. That’s about it really.
Suggestion by waterMelon
eat carrots
eye baths
make sure u read in well lit areas
eye massage
can go for laser surgery
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