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Q&A: How did you become an atheist? And how did it feel?


How did you become an atheist? And how did it feel?
As a kid, I was scared of becoming fully atheist because of the cloud guy looking at me. After years of pondering, at the age 14, something happen. When I was taking a shower, I finally stapled that I don’t believe in god. I looked up–butt naked and all–and cuzzed out god for fun. I giggled about the fact that I was scared of god. A huge burden lifted from me. If I can used one word to describe that moment, it will be beautiful. Talk about nonreligious experience! d:

Suggestion by {some guy}
Wasn’t like that for me, took me a while to admit it. But eventually at age 16 realized bible doesn’t add up.

Because of years of bible classes.

Suggestion by House is in the Hizzy!!!
I was always an atheist i always doubted everything that was presented to me until proof was provided.

Suggestion by irk.some
The whole sex-with-a-sheep part was, I felt, wholly unnecessary.

What do you think? Answer below!

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I need some help with a spiritual/occult problem.?
This is a big story so bear with me. My friend’s mother moved into a new house after a divorce. Her landlord did a ritual to “bless” the house and buried idols in the yard. The next morning there were about 20 dead birds in the yard. He mother started dating and my friend moved out when her mother’s new boyfriend moved in. They dated for about 6 months and two days before they were suppose to go pick out rings for the wedding he suddenly packed up and left. Her mother had to visit a stress center and while there she saw black figures in the corners of the room. They thought it was the medication and adjusted it. When she came home she kept seeing them and she continued to feel weird things around the property. She would wake up every twenty minutes on the dot and the dogs would go crazy from 3:00am to 7:00am. After three nights of nightmares and the dogs, she decided to look outside with a spotlight to see what they were barking about. When my friends mom did she saw the figure of a woman in flannel pajamas. She was scared and dropped the light. She thought about it for a minute and thought it could have just been her reflection, but she was wearing a nightgown. She looked back out the window and the woman was still there. The figure had no face. She said it looked like a painting of a woman, but someone smudged the face. Her friends have had nightmares and she refuses to sleep in the house or be there alone. Her youngest son is drawing picture in school of black figures and says that they are people. When her oldest son gets angry he goes into the woods which everyone else feels funny around. He cries when he’s at his fathers and begs to go back to the house. I’m going to the house for the first time tomorrow and want to know if I can give her mom any idea of what’s going on and what to expect when I do go there. Is there a way I could help?
That was another question of mine. Any ideas what the landlord may have done? I know that she danced naked by a fire at night and that she buried idols around the yard. Is there any way to reverse it or counter it?

Suggestion by Magick Kitty
makes me wonder what the landlord really did.

Suggestion by kaplah
Why on earth would a landlord do a spell that would drive a renter away?
She was probably aware of the disturbances and was trying to stop them but was unsuccessful.
Your friend’s mom needs to find a new place to live. Period.

Suggestion by realpaganwoman13
It seems that the landlord was actually trying to help. However, may or may not have known really what she was doing.

If your friend’s mom is open to this… a good cleansing may be all that’s needed. She needs to do this herself though. She’s the head of the household.

It’s not a complicated ceremony… it’s actually very very simple.
I pour some water into a bowl… (we have four acres so it might take a couple quarts of water) and add a little sea salt and add a rose quartz and let this sit a few minutes.

Then we light a nice fat sage, whitesage, or whitesage and cedar smudge stick.

we start in the centre of the property… happens to be in front of out furnace in the house and begin to walk widdershins. ..
both saying: “This is the boundry of our home and hearth… nothing but love shall enter within, nothing but love shall come from within. We will not tolerate negativities. .. nothing may enter here, be it physical or spiritual that would cause anyone within the boundries harm in any way shape or form be it mental, physical, emotional or spiritual.”

As we do this we visualize a cloud of “dirty” energies (kind of the colour of a brown bottle) getting larger and larger as we spiral our way out to the very edge of the the property.
Tom waves the smoke and I follow sprinkling the salted, charged water.
When we’ve spiraled out all the way and completed an entire walk around the very edge of the property, we stop, then Cast the Circle:
Walking the parameter of the property clockwise
and still smuding and sprinkling say:

This is the border of our home
Nothing but Love shall enter within
Nothing but Love shall come from within.

This is the border of our hearth
Nothing but Love shall come from within

This is the border of home and hearth
Nothing but Love shall enter within
Nothing but Love shall come from within

O, spirit of the East
Ancient One of Air,
Join our circle and lend your power to our rite.

Welcome, Air

O, spirit of the South,
Ancient One of Fire,
Join our circle and lend your power to our rite.

Welcome, Fire

O, spirit of the West,
Ancient One of Water,
Join our circle and lend your power to our rite.

Welcome, Water

O, spirit of the North
Ancient One of Earth.
Join our circle and lend your power to our rite

Welcome Earth

I wish your friend blessings and if there’s anythign more I can help with, please feel free to email me.

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